In the current phase of the program has been running since 2008 and is to end in 2010, proposing a solution design light tank with a preliminary verification of the assumptions tactical and technical studies and construction technology demonstrator, which should at a later stage to give the opportunity to develop and implement targeted Polish light tank.
Substantive scope of the program includes:
-Preliminary development of tactical and Technical Assumptions for the light tank based multitasking platform,
-Development and validation (in consortium) of technical requirements for the major groups of configuration,
-Developing the concept of a light tank in two variants configuration and selection of components,
-Choice of concepts - the assessment of the quality of light battle tank in combat under its jurisdiction,
-Development of a model of the vehicle, the test model, the determination of dynamic loads acting on the crew and equipment inside the vehicle base and the tank light for different traffic conditions,
-Exploration and development of impact resistant lightweight tank support structure and the loads from the shooting with his own gun, when you hit the bullet that causes no break,
-Designation and analysis of powertrain assemblies,
-Performance technology demonstrator,
Experimental studies and analysis of properties of traction and dynamic loads,
weapons tests within the capabilities of technology demonstrator.
The designers assume that the tank will be able to participate in stabilization and peacekeeping missions, but also in asymmetrical conflicts or pełnoskalowych. Area of its operations will be up, urban areas, zones, destruction or conventional weapons of mass destruction, and semi-arid areas of forest. With these assumptions derive such characteristics as mobility strategy - aeromobilność, low weight, small size, high power factor of the unit, raise the high angle guns, ballistic resistance to the particular purpose, agility, and increased traction parameters, systems samoosłony (OBRA III + Upper półsfera) , a system of self defense, extra armor and armor systems, additional to the fighting in the urban area.
Characteristics of Polish light tank OBRUM conception are:
-Chassis - Multi-purpose platform,
-Propulsion system - front,
-Driving range, a range of fire,
-Separate compartments: battery, fuel, ammunition for the guns, the range of landing and emergency exit in the back,
-Systems increase the survival rate (eg reduction of thermal signature)
-The possibility of peaceful mission (working with generator)
-Modular construction allows mutations
-Residual tower with an automatic loading,
-Range of fire up to the upper chassis plate (podłożyskowej)
-Armored bulkhead from the machine,
-Dwupłaszczyznowo stabilized observation system for trainer to work in hunter-killer mode and autotrackingu,
-The possibility of rapid construction of additional weapons such as automatic grenade launcher, or remotely-controlled position WKM.
The current projections assume that the Polish defense industry will provide the following new tank assemblies, parts and materials: steel materials, including permanent armored hull of the chassis, the body of the tower, tracks, suspension components, elastomer bumpers, teams of electrical equipment, electronic equipment, vision systems (drivers, observation instruments), teams of automation and control, machine loading, seats, bearing podwieżowe, drives a cannon in the elevation and the horizon, ammunition nomenclature (caliber 120 mm, 12.7 mm, 7.62 mm), auxiliary weapons (anti - machine gun - a remote-controlled, coupled gun, smoke grenade launchers, 40 mm caliber grenade launcher), drive and stability system, fire control, communication, self-defense system (new solution), a system samoosłony (OBRA III +), ink absorption of electromagnetic waves, antyradiacyjne floor, equipped to fight in the city and the urbanized area, power generator and air conditioning, fuel, lubricants, rubber parts, textiles and plastic products.
Components Polonized import or include it according to plans gun - Ruag Switzerland (alternative concepts gun OBRUM sp z oo and HSW CPW), extra armor, fire control system (an alternative to solve the PCO, RADWAR): ITS Dynamics or Galileo or Sight (Vernelli) or Zeiss Germany, drives, electrical -- Curtiss Wright, Switzerland (an alternative to RADWAR), type of propulsion system power-pack - or Caterpilar Perkins, engines - such as Scania, Fiat, IVECO.

The work schedule for 2011 foresees the implementation of the prototype documents that should arise in the following year. In the years 2012-2013 would be the test of competency.
New Light Tank Made in Iran:

-Range of fire up to the upper chassis plate (podłożyskowej)
-Armored bulkhead from the machine,
-Dwupłaszczyznowo stabilized observation system for trainer to work in hunter-killer mode and autotrackingu,
-The possibility of rapid construction of additional weapons such as automatic grenade launcher, or remotely-controlled position WKM.
The current projections assume that the Polish defense industry will provide the following new tank assemblies, parts and materials: steel materials, including permanent armored hull of the chassis, the body of the tower, tracks, suspension components, elastomer bumpers, teams of electrical equipment, electronic equipment, vision systems (drivers, observation instruments), teams of automation and control, machine loading, seats, bearing podwieżowe, drives a cannon in the elevation and the horizon, ammunition nomenclature (caliber 120 mm, 12.7 mm, 7.62 mm), auxiliary weapons (anti - machine gun - a remote-controlled, coupled gun, smoke grenade launchers, 40 mm caliber grenade launcher), drive and stability system, fire control, communication, self-defense system (new solution), a system samoosłony (OBRA III +), ink absorption of electromagnetic waves, antyradiacyjne floor, equipped to fight in the city and the urbanized area, power generator and air conditioning, fuel, lubricants, rubber parts, textiles and plastic products.
Components Polonized import or include it according to plans gun - Ruag Switzerland (alternative concepts gun OBRUM sp z oo and HSW CPW), extra armor, fire control system (an alternative to solve the PCO, RADWAR): ITS Dynamics or Galileo or Sight (Vernelli) or Zeiss Germany, drives, electrical -- Curtiss Wright, Switzerland (an alternative to RADWAR), type of propulsion system power-pack - or Caterpilar Perkins, engines - such as Scania, Fiat, IVECO.

The work schedule for 2011 foresees the implementation of the prototype documents that should arise in the following year. In the years 2012-2013 would be the test of competency.
New Light Tank Made in Iran:

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